Monette Michaels

romantic mystery


Baby, It's Cold Outside Blog Hop

Security Specialists International, Book 2.5 Welcome to the Just Romance Me “Baby’ It’s Cold Outside Blog…

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Muse Wednesday -- Terry O'Dell

I would like to welcome fellow author Terry O’Dell to Muse Wednesday.  Terry’s Muse is author Sandra McDonald, pictured at…

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Liquid Silver Books Celebrates the Birth of the Vampire Novel, May 24th to 27th

Gooden and Knight Paranormal Mystery, Book 1 My publisher Liquid Silver books is celebrating the birth…

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Muse Wednesday -- Tina Whittle

Like most mystery writers, I grew up marinating my brain in unsuitable material— Edgar Allan Poe, The Nightstalker, the lurid…

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Muse Wednesday: Lori Armstrong

This Muse Wednesday’s guest author is mystery author Lori Armstrong. Lori is a fellow panelist of mine for the upcoming…

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My Muse

Authors are inspired by many things. For me, it can be the odd article in the newspaper or online, an…

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