Monette Michaels

Robyn Peterman


Pre-Order What A Witch Desires, a Magic and Mayhem Universe novella

What A Witch Desires, Book 3 in my What a Witch Series, set in Robyn Peterman’s  fantabulous and crazy Magic…

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Magic and Mayhem Blast-Off

WE’RE BA-A-A-C-K — AND BETTER THAN EVER!   Did you miss us? When Kindle World shut down, it left a…

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What A Witch Wants is Out Now!!

I am thrilled to announce that What A Witch Wants, my contribution to Robyn Peterman’s Magic & Mayhem World, is…

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Returning To My Roots

It’s been awhile since I last blogged. Mea culpa. That’s what happens between getting one book out and promoting it…

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Where to Buy Monette's Books

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