Monette Michaels

Rae Morgan


Terran Realm, Volumes 1-6 on sale at iBooks

  On sale now at iBooks, this e-book contains all six volumes of the Terran Realm.  That’s six, full-length novels…

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Sizzling Summer Nights Blog Hop

Welcome to my blog on the Sizzling Summer Nights Blog Hop. If you started with my blog, you need to…

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Evanescence is Out!

Formerly published in Edge of Night Anthology   It’s out now! Buy Now at Liquid Silver…

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Evanescence is Available for Pre-Order Now!

Formerly published in Edge of Night Anthology This is a re-lease of a Rae Morgan novella…

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No Secrets is Live!

No Secrets is now Live at Liquid Silver Books and other on-line retailers. Blurb: With dark magick threatening to take…

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Re-Release of No Secrets, Book 4 of Coven of the Wolf

The Coven of the Wolf series premiered in January of 2003.  Destiny’s Magick was the first book and was supposed…

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Where to Buy Monette's Books

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