Monette Michaels

Rosanna Leo's Predator's Refuge

Predator's Refuge Cover

I want to welcome my friend, Rosanna Leo to my blog.  She has a new book in her Gemini  Island Shifters series coming out today.  I love this series (um, shifters, people!!) and I know you will too. 


Thank you to Monette for hosting me today! I’m so excited to be here as it’s release day for me, and I couldn’t think of anyone I’d rather share it with.

Release days are probably the most exciting days for authors. Certainly, they are for me. It’s the day all our hopes and dreams for a book become reality. I can’t think of anything more thrilling than these moments…unless someone were to tell me my heroes just turned real and are waiting for me in the bedroom! Not likely to happen, I suppose.

When I set out to write my Gemini Island Shifters books, quite frankly, I did not anticipate a series. However, my publisher wisely suggested I attach a series name to the first book, and voila, the series was born. Predator’s Refuge, today’s release, marks the third book in the series. In my opinion, it is also boasts some of the sexier moments in the franchise.

Why is this one so sexy? Well, in throwing together this particular hero and heroine, it really felt as if the sexual tension had been kicked up a notch. You see, my heroine, a lynx shifter named Marci, is experiencing her first heat. She could have sex at the drop of a hat! However, her sex-crazed spirit animal seems to be on the lookout for a specific man.

When tiger shifter Anton Gaspar arrives on the scene, all hell breaks loose. Not only does Marci have to contend with some very unwanted emotions and desires, Anton also becomes prey to his voracious tiger. However, Anton fights his attraction to Marci for some unusual reasons. Will he manage to stay away from her? Gosh, we hope not!

Predator’s Refuge is available at and will also be available at Amazon, ARE, B&N, Kobo and other e-outlets.


Lynx shifter Marci Lennox has worked at the shifter-friendly Ursa Fishing Lodge and Resort all her adult life. It’s more a home to her than a job. When her boss goes on vacation, putting her in charge, Marci is thrilled. Finally a chance to prove she has the mettle to run a resort.

Her confidence is shaken when new employee Anton Gaspar appears. One look at the mysterious tiger shifter spells trouble for Marci and for her sex-crazed lynx. Anton is judgmental, condescending, and a little misogynistic. Unfortunately, Marci’s lynx thinks his tiger is more delicious than an oversized bag of Maltesers.

It becomes difficult for Marci to remain neutral near Anton, especially when she learns of his troubling past and unusual family circumstances. However, when dangerous incidents occur on the resort, the lynx woman and tiger man join forces to combat the threat to the lodge and its guests.

Harder still is the quest to combat their explosive feelings for one another. As they explore their mutual passion, they realize the danger at the resort is more insidious than they ever envisioned. Their dreams, their love, and their very lives are at stake.


The sliding doors swung open for him and he walked in, head high.

Immediately, the fragrance hit him, activating his Jacobson’s organ. He swallowed, tasting it on his tongue and at the back of his throat, and wondered if he was mistaken.

No, how could he mistake the unique scent of a female cat in heat? It was too delicious a scent to forget. Sweetness coated his taste buds, winding a delirious path down his throat. As his head swam, he blinked and tried to clear his thoughts of the sexual imagery racing through it.

The scent did not belong to another tiger shifter, but some other type of predatory cat. One whose perfume he hadn’t sampled before. One who must be particular to this region. Cougar? No. Mountain lion? Surely not.

Whatever she was, her scent teased him with its delicious flavor.

Don’t, he warned himself. Wasn’t it enough that he spent the last few years of his existence trying to escape the sick wiles of the grasping women at court? And God only knew how hard he’d worked to maintain a state of abstinence at Pannonhalma, devoting his life to meditation. He’d come here to work, not lose himself in a sweet piece of…

Stop it. This was no time to think of pussy, even though he’d never been more desperate for a taste of creaming woman.

His tiger howled inside him, hungry for that which it had been denied for almost two years.

Still the perfume, more intoxicating than any he’d known, wafted toward him. He wanted to close his eyes and drink it in. The unyielding power of the aroma could make him forget his vows. Granted, he wasn’t really a monk, but he had followed the monastic lifestyle from day one at Pannonhalma. The purity in the monk’s life had been the very thing he’d required to get his life back on track.

So why did he want to find the source of the scent and fuck her until she begged alternately for mercy and for more? Her need seemed strong. Whoever this lady cat was, she must be in dire agony for her scent to be so powerful.

None of his business.

Mentally caging the growling tiger inside him, he shook his head and approached the front desk. He dropped his luggage and cleared his throat at the woman working there. Her head had been down as she read some reports, but she looked up now.

“Welcome to the Ursa…” Her jaw fell open and her sentence hung in the air, unfinished and clearly forgotten.

Well, well. A beautiful little lynx.

The scent of desire emanated from her. Only now, it flourished under his gaze, increasing tenfold, if such a thing could be measured. Tendrils of teasing perfume waved around her body, blending into the golden brown highlights in her hair and winding their way around her hips and breasts. Exuding from her pores and sinking straight into his. Delicious, sensual saturation.

Anton’s heart raced and his tiger spotted its new prey. The animal licked its lips.

RosannaRosanna Leo is a multi-published, erotic romance author with Liquid Silver Books who lives and breathes paranormal romance. Several of her books about Greek gods, selkies and shape shifters have been named Night Owl Romance and Two Lips Recommended Reads. When not writing, she can be found haunting dusty library stacks or planning her next star-crossed love affair.  Visit Rosanna’s website

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