Monette Michaels

Naughty New Year Blog Hop

Yes, it’s that time again. Another wonderful JustRomance.Me blog hop. If you began with my blog, you really need to go HERE and start from the beginning … since that is how you can qualify for prizes including an e-Reader and many free books from the fabulous participating authors.

Comment on my blog … this one right here! … and you will have the chance to win Book One in the Security Specialists International series, Eye of the Storm.

Okay, the theme of the blog hop is “naughty” New Year. I could write about all sorts of naughty things, after all, I write sexy romances. But instead, I decided to do something NICE.

Here is a preview of the FREE, yes, FREE, long novella, Storm Front, which is Book 2.5 in the Security Specialists International Series. I decided to write this novella after the FREE, yes, FREE, novella I wrote last holiday season, Stormy Weather Baby, was so well-received by my fans and new readers alike.

Storm Front will be available after January 1st at my website for download — and did I mention it was FREE?

MM_SSI_StormFront_240x360 Blurb:

Less than one week after Earl Blackhawk helped Risto Smith and Callie Meyers fight off a Colombian drug lord in Osprey’s Point, Michigan, he travels to Idaho to act as Risto’s best man at his marriage to Callie. There he meets Callie’s friend, Tessa Andrews. When he’d asked Callie to find him a woman just like her, he’d been teasing … sort of. but Callie had taken him seriously and he was glad she had.

Tessa comes to Idaho with a problem dogging her heels. A cyberstalker has resurrected a past she thought deeply buried. A past any decent man, a man such as Earl, would take one look at and run the other way.

But then, Tessa has never met a man like Earl. He’s more than attracted to Tessa, feels instantly protective of her, and nothing and no one will harm her while he’s around.

Tessa doesn’t believe she deserves a happy ever after, and when Earl and some others see the damaging images her cyberstalker sends her, she runs into the teeth of a storm front and deadly peril.

Here is a taste of what’s to come in Storm Front (this is an unedited and unproofed version):

“Are you going to stand there and stare at me all morning,” Tessa’s low, sexy voice tinged with amusement resonated in the empty kitchen, “or, are you going to tell me what you want?”

What he wanted was her, but she wasn’t ready to hear that—yet. He’d never believed in love at first sight before, but it had happened to Risto with Callie, Ren with Keely, and now, it seemed it had happened to him.

Call it fate, karma, kismet, or destiny—or even Callie’s obvious attempt at match-making—he and Tessa were meant to be. He believed it with everything in him. Now, he needed to convince Tessa to believe in it—to believe in him.

Tessa turned her head and looked at him over her shoulder. Her almond-shaped eyes, the color of aged whiskey, held curiosity—and exhaustion.

“Did you even go to bed last night?” Earl asked before he could stop himself.

When he’d turned in, she’d been sitting in the great room with Callie’s brothers, watching the Rocky Horror Picture Show, along with Loren and Paul Walsh, Keely Walsh-Maddox’s twin brothers. The five had sung along with the musical numbers and seemed to have been having a good time.

Tessa scowled and turned her attention back to chopping onions. “Yes, I went to bed, Mr. None-Of-Your-Business. I couldn’t sleep. I have a deadline on my book, so I worked on line edits.” She shrugged. “Besides, I don’t sleep much.”

She was lying.

Editing might have been what she’d done when she couldn’t get to sleep, but the book deadline wasn’t the cause of her insomnia.

Something else was.

Excerpt from Storm Front, Copyright, 2012, Monette Michaels.

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