Monette Michaels

Muse Wednesday: Parker Kincade

I’d like to welcome one of my fellow Liquid Silver Books authors, Parker Kincade. She is sharing her thoughts on Lora Leigh’s Lion’s Heat.



Parker Kincade

My alarm clock went off at six o’clock the morning of April 6, 2010. As I reached over to palm the snooze, my first coherent thought was Jonas. It was release day, you see. And one I had waited for since I was first introduced to Lora Leigh’s Breed series years before.

When I think about authors/books that inspire me, this is what I think about. The excitement of a new release, characters I’m invested in, stories I love.

Lora Leigh’s Lion’s Heat is not the first book in her Breed series. Nor is it the fifth, or even the tenth. Lion’s Heat is the twentieth. That’s right, for nineteen books, I had hung on every word. I followed the compelling and fascinating lives of the men and women who were fighting for the rights most of us take for granted. What made these people different? The fact that they had been genetically altered with animal DNA and bred to kill.

Smack dab in the middle of the fight was Jonas Wyatt, Lion Breed and Director of the Bureau of Breed Affairs. As I said before, I had spent nineteen books and many years with Jonas, gritting my teeth as he manipulated and forced his will on those around him. He’d killed. He’d deceived and he had a serious bad-boy attitude. He was a game player whose line between right and wrong was extremely jagged.

So, why then, couldn’t I wait to run to the bookstore the morning Jonas’ story released? The simple answer is: because I knew I wouldn’t be disappointed.

And I was right. Lion’s Heat is a powerful story, a turning point almost, in the saga of the Breeds. From page one, Ms. Leigh didn’t just grab me – she yanked me into the story – presenting me with a very determined, yet vulnerable, Jonas, fighting to remain in control as he dealt with the fact his (unclaimed) mate had belonged to another. And it didn’t stop there. Until the very end, Ms. Leigh kept me on the edge of my seat, never knowing what to expect as I turned the page.

I’ll admit, I fell in love with Jonas a little that week. I learned his secrets, that he had a fierce capacity to love and that there was definitely more to him than I’d ever imagined.

As an avid reader, I’ve had many authors who’ve inspired me, in one form or another. Some for technique, some for character development and well, you get the idea. For me, Lora Leigh’s Lion’s Heat embodies off of these things – all wrapped up in a world so beautifully created, it’s hard to believe it’s not possible.

As an author, this is what I strive to do. Taking the reader on a journey they can’t wait to continue, with characters so vivid it’s hard to imagine they aren’t real. It’s powerful stuff, no?


parker kincaide photoParker Kincade has been writing since she was a little girl. Her love affair with romance novels began as a teen and she dreamed of writing her own. She is thrilled to be living her dream.

Parker lives in the South with her husband, children and beloved boxer sidekick. She loves reading, playing golf, spending time with her family and friends, ice cream from the ice cream truck, taking her dog to the park and watching old musicals.

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