Monette Michaels

Muse Wednesday -- Paige Tyler

I am thrilled to have as my Muse Wednesday guest, my friend Paige Tyler. Paige and I have been friends since we first met at Lori Foster’s Reader and Fan Get-Together. She writes super sexy romances with a bit of spanking. So, let’s see what inspired her to write in this genre.


Warrior's WomanI don’t know the exact moment when I knew I wanted to be a writer, but I know it was since I was in my early teens.  I think it started when I read my first Johanna Lindsey book. It was one of her sci-fi romances called Warrior’s Woman and I fell in love with the whole romance genre right then and there. Not only is she responsible for inspiring me to become a writer, but she also gets credit for me putting all those spankings in my books! If you’ve read her stuff, you know what I’m talking about. If you haven’t, add her to your To-Be-Read List! Nothing like a hunky alpha-male hero who knows how to spank a girl!

Johanna Lindsey wasn’t my only muse, though. The other was Mrs. Griffin, my creative writing teacher in high school. I’d already been writing short stories since I was in elementary school by the time I took her class, but it wasn’t until she told me I should consider becoming a writer that I really thought about it.  Could I really make money doing something I love so much?

Since writing was something I loved doing, you’d think I would have pursued it right out of high school. But, no. Instead I did it as a hobby and went to college for communications, then later switched to elementary education. I even taught for a little while until I discovered that wasn’t my thing. That’s when I became a full-time writer. Big thank you to hubby for encouraging me and supporting me in pursuing my passion!

That was back in 2005. Since then, I’ve written over fifty-five books for epublishers, as well as some indie work, and recently signed with an awesome agent named Bob Mecoy who got me a book deal with Sourcebooks for my military/paranormal shifter series SPECIAL OPS. Still doing the Snoopy Dance about it! The first book is called HER PERFECT MATE and comes out in Spring 2014.  Hope you’ll check it out!

I also hope you’ll check out my website. I have excerpts from all my books, including my Amazon Bestsellers KARLEIGH’S COWBOYS and AND THE RANCH HAND MAKES THREE, which are available separately or in a two-book set in MORE THAN A COWBOY. You’ll also find links to my blog, Facebook and Twitter.


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