Monette Michaels

Muse Wednesday -- Nulli Para Ora

Welcome back to another Muse Wednesday.  This week’s guest author inspiration is quite classical.  Let’s see how Nulli Para Ora went from Milton to romance novels.

paradise_lostI’ve always loved to read.  Growing up, I would read anything. Sci Fi, fantasy, horror, adventure, my mother’s old textbooks, you name it.  I had an addiction level obsession with mythology, and when I didn’t have any other books on hand, I read the dictionary.  I used to be on a first name basis with the librarian, I was that kid.

What I’d never read was romance. It was never on my radar.  I never looked at the billowing dresses and bared chests on the paperback covers of those old novels with any interest.  I’d read a book on surgical pathology, or restoring the engine in a ’57 Chevy from cover to cover twenty times before I’d even think of picking up something in the romance section.

So how did I end up here? Paradise Lost.  I know, I know.  Take a deep breath and let me explain.  We all know Paradise Lost isn’t a romance, so how could this tale inspire anyone to write love stories? This story did something I’d never conceived of in a conscious way.  It took a familiar story, and painted an entirely different reality.

My imagination was born in that book, and I began taking tentative steps toward manipulating and creating my own realities. Twists on the familiar aren’t new, but Paradise Lost was my, “aha” moment.  It was the first time I thought of getting lost in my worlds instead of those I found on the page.

What did I do with this revelation?  I wrote poetry.  I wrote all kinds of poems, taking the familiar and shifting perspectives. I’d write these poems for several years, safely tucked away in a spiral notebook.

When do we get to the romance part, Nulli?

About two years ago, I started reading erotic romance at the suggestion of a friend.  I’d never even knew the genre existed, but she’d fallen in  love with a few stories and wanted me to check out the postings online. I. Was. Hooked.  I couldn’t stop reading!  I found all kinds of stories, but what I loved was the diversity within each area.  Paranormal is a huge universe, with beings I’d never dreamed of.  The same was true of Sci Fi, fantasy, adventure, and more.

What drew me in was the great storytelling.  What kept me hooked was the way the writers were able to show love.  A lot of those stories are about characters who are in deeply in love.  We actually get to see the physical expressions of that love in erotic romance.  The fire was lit.  I decided to try my hand at writing my own tale.  I kept Paradise Lost in the back of my mind as I attempted to create my own paranormal world with my own rules.  Dragon Moon was born, then another book, then another, and another.  I couldn’t stop writing!

I’m still writing, and it’s all thanks to an all but forgotten tale and the passing suggestion of a friend.


Nulli is a romance author who writes in multiple genres.  A lover of languages, anime, martial arts, video games, nature, and music, Nulli is inspired by everything from the profound to the mundane.

Whether it’s creating a new realm, an alien planet, a new species, or an alternate reality, you can always count on twists and turns in Nulli’s tales.  Love can be irrational, undeniable, blissful, erotic, and sometimes frustrating, but it’s also universal, binding hearts across cultures and time.

Nulli’s Website

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