Monette Michaels

Guest Blogger -- Christy Gissendaner

One Hot KnightI’d like to welcome my friend and fellow Love Lust and Laptops’ author, Christy Gissendaner, who is on a month-long blog tour to promote her newest book, Hot Knight, coming out from Entangled Covet line on July 22nd. Please register at the end using Rafflecopter for a chance to win a prize from Christy.

Today, Christy’s blog topic is addressing…

Baby Watching

We all know why we do it. Self-promotion, right? While touring the blog circuit, we all have one goal in mind. Sell, sell, sell. But this stop is going to be different. For once, I’m taking a break of talking “books” (not that I do it very much anyway) and going off-roading straight into my topic today.

Baby watching. I said baby watching, not making. Just to make that very clear. I’m in no way, shape, or form pregnant. Thank goodness! Three back-to-back pregnancies were enough for this gal right here. But who is pregnant? Kate Middleton, Duchess of So-and-So. I haven’t seen this big of a media flurry since…since…well, Kate and William’s wedding a little while back.

Being under the scrutiny of so many people while nine months pregnant has to take a toll on the poor gal. I couldn’t imagine waddling around with thick ankles and spotty face and having photogs snap pictures of me! Yet the unbelievable calm, smooth-skinned duchess does it with aplomb. So props to you, Mom-to-Be. Although I suppose I should be upset that you make us mere mortals look like amateurs…

As rumors are swirling that Baby Royal will be born very soon, I’m hoping this post appears before the momentous occasion takes place. But just in case I beat them to the punch, I’m going to make my guess. I’m thinking it’ll be a girl. Dark blonde hair. Blue eyes.

So what about ya’ll? Care to take a guess on what the new baby will be? And who was your favorite celebrity to “baby watch”? Please don’t say Kim Kardashian….

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Stupid curse!

Yves Sucat was a Crusader trapped in a canine body…until a beautiful twenty-first century dog groomer offered the missing link to break his spell. But Regina Patterson was no fluffy-headed female who would instantly melt at Yves’ silvery seduction. The more time he spent with the tender-hearted blonde, the less he was able to keep his paws—hands!—off of her.

Regina was much more comfortable with dogs than men, and the stunningly handsome – stunningly male – knight who now shared her apartment was no exception. She’d hoped to find a man as loyal as the pooches she pampered day after day, but would Yves’s broken curse end with her own broken heart?

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Christy Gissendaner is a romantic comedy author and believes that laughter and love should go hand in hand.

She lives in Alabama with her husband and three sons and isalways hard at work on her next novel, but in her spare time she loves blackjack, karaoke, and anything resembling a vacation!

Christy also writes historical romance as Robin Danner. Check her out at

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