Monette Michaels

Free Security Specialists International Novella

As my holiday gift to my readers, both old and new, I have written a novella entitled “Stormy Weather Baby” in the SSI series. The novella takes place after Book 1, Eye of the Storm (currently available at Liquid Silver Books and other online retail outlets) and before Book 2, Cold Day in Hell (soon to be published at Liquid Silver Books).

Here is a blurb for “Stormy Weather Baby”:

Keely Walsh-Maddox is eight months pregnant and feeling boxed in by Ren’s over-protectiveness. So, when Price Teague’s doctor sister, Fiona, calls and says she is in Idaho and needs a ride, Keely takes the opportunity to escape her velvet cage and drive to Grangeville to pick up the woman. She never expected to place her unborn child in danger, but that is exactly what happens when the women find themselves being pursued by mercenaries. Normally, bad guys following her home wouldn’t faze Keely, she’d just turn the tables and shoot them. But this time, she is in early labor and doesn’t want to mess with them. At least, she has a doctor riding shot gun.

To obtain your FREE download, go to my website and click on the link on the main page. The 26,000 word novella is currently only available in PDF, but I hope to figure out how to convert it for Nook and Kindle after the holidays. Any updated on the formats will be found onthe SSI page under Monette Michaels books on my website.

I truly hope you enjoy this tale of the birth of Ren and Keely’s baby and the introduction of a future SSI romance. — Monette, Christmas, 2011

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