Monette Michaels

Fool for Love Blog Hop

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If you started on my blog, please go HERE to start at the beginning. Or you can click on an author’s name as it goes trailing by to go directly to that author’s page. Cool, huh? Michael Bookman, our tech guru extraordinaire,  is the bomb!

As always, there are lots of nice prizes being offered by the participating authors. I have one that will be awarded by the lovely organizers at the end of the hop on Sunday during the CHAT:   a download of Weather the Storm, Book 3, in the Security Specialists International series.

I am also offering a chance at winning a copy of Weather the Storm HERE on this blog site. All you have to do is make a Comment here by 12 midnight (EST) on Sunday, April 6th and I will choose a winner.

Now a sneak preview of what you might win:

Security Specialists International, Book 3

Security Specialists International, Book 3


Research librarian Elana Fabrizzio was in the wrong place at the wrong time. While working her late night shift at the library, she overhears a man hire a mercenary to kill Keely Walsh-Maddox and other Security Specialists International operatives. Things go from bad to worse when the man kills a student and a security guard on his way out of the library.

SSI operative Vanko Petriv is in New York City on holiday and is redirected to Washington, D.C. to become Elana’s personal security. Turns out the man she overheard is the traitor SSI has been pursuing for quite a while. Her eyewitness testimony would eliminate the treacherous thorn in SSI’s side and rid the intelligence community of a traitor once and for all.

Vanko is instantly attracted to the courageous Elana and vows to make her his. Elana is surprised when she’s attracted to Vanko. Bad past experiences have made her leery of dominant men.

When another enemy from Elana’s past appears, Vanko does what is needed to keep her alive. Their burgeoning attraction is threatened from all sides, but true love weathers any storm.



“Vanko.” Elana’s soft voice sounded tired…weak. Her eyes were a dull gray. It hurt his heart to see her vitality muted by pain.

“What, dushka?” He sat on the edge of the bed. He stroked her bare arm. She was too warm, but he had to trust the antibiotics would handle the elevated temperature. The wound was clean and treated as well as it could be under the circumstances. “Do you want more to drink? You only took enough to swallow your pills.”

“Maybe in a bit.” The corner of her lips turned up slightly and her eyes sparkled with mischief if only for a split-second. “You were very mean to the nice doctor.”

“I don’t trust the nice doctor. I won’t trust anyone around you until the traitor is in jail,” or dead, “and Demidas is captured.” Or dead, preferably by my hand.

Elana snorted, a delicate little exhale that sounded very much like restrained laughter. His heart lightened a bit at the sign of her sense of humor. Yes, this woman was one to be kept close and cherished.

“Are you laughing at me, angel moy?” He leaned over and brushed a kiss across her flushed cheek; the red on her cheekbones was the only color in her face.

“Uh-huh.” She licked her lips and frowned. “I guess I do need a drink. I want another Pepsi.”

When he glowered at her, she stuck out her lower lip. Damn, she was cute when she sulked. “Elana—”

She cut him off. “Please…I want the Pepsi for taste. Whatever medicines you just gave me…I can taste them.” She scrunched her nose. “Nasty.”

“I recall the taste. It is very nasty.” He brushed an errant lock of hair off her forehead, then stroked her fine-grained skin. “I’ll check to see what’s stocked in the small kitchen in our suite. If they don’t have Pepsi, I’ll send Petr for some when he returns from the embassy compound.”

“Okay, sounds good.” She yawned and her eyes began to drift shut. “Don’t leave me.”

He heard the tinge of fear in her voice and that wasn’t acceptable. “I won’t leave our suite. I promised, remember?”

She nodded. Her brow creased. “Where will you sleep? You need to rest while you can.”

Elana was worried about him when she was the one with a bullet wound and a fever. “I’ll sleep in this room. I can guard you better that way.”

“You’ll sleep in bed…with me.”

It didn’t sound like a question, more like an order. “You wish me to lie next to you?” He stiffened at the thought of sleeping next to her, protecting her body with his…loving her. His cock went on full alert.

Down, boy. She was injured, sick, and in pain—his desires had no place in this room at this particular time. Later? Definitely.

“Yes, Vanko. By my side.” She wrinkled her nose, and he had to fight the urge to kiss the cute tip. “Because sleeping in a chair or over on the small settee won’t allow you to rest. So…after you find me a Pepsi and the food you promised, you’ll lie down next to me and rest. Understood?”

“I understand you’re a bossy bit of goods when you get pain meds in you.” Vanko chuckled.

“Damn straight. Comes from ordering students around in the library.” She curled a finger. “Come closer.”

Vanko leaned over until they were almost nose to nose. “Yes, Elana moy?”

“Kiss me.” She licked her visibly dry lips. “You tucked me in, now you have to kiss me. It’s a rule, you know.”

Vanko laughed softly. Elana obviously became uninhibited on pain medications. He’d make sure no other males were ever around her when she was on drugs.

“With pleasure, angel moy.” He brushed several light kisses over her closed lips. He swept his tongue over her lower lip, once…twice, moistening it. When she gasped, he took her mouth fully, thrusting gently with his tongue. It was a tame kiss for a man of his experience and needs, but Elana wasn’t ready for the hungry, biting kisses he liked to give and receive in return.

When he broke off the kiss, she sighed and a smile curled her lips. “We need to do that again. You taste good like…” She paused, and he could almost see the wheels turning in her sluggish brain. “…like coffee and chocolate mint.” She inhaled deeply and heaved another sigh. “You smell good, too.”

“You are high, dushka.” He licked his lips. The taste of her was on them, a unique, lush taste slightly tinged with the Pepsi she’d had in the car. “Be assured. We’ll definitely be doing that—and more—as soon as you’re feeling better.”

She yawned widely like a sleepy kitten and closed her eyes. “Goody.”


If you’d like a sample of what the SSI series is all about, you can download two FREE novellas at my publisher Liquid Silver books.  Here is the link for all the Free reads.

Security Specialists International, Book 1.5

Security Specialists International, Book 1.5

Security Specialists International, Book 2.5

Security Specialists International, Book 2.5

Where to Buy Monette's Books

  • Buy on AppleBooks
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