Monette Michaels

First Reviews Are In!

Gooden and Knight Paranormal Mystery, Book 2

My new Abbie and Luc book came out in February and the first two reviews are now in — and I am thrilled to share the links with you.

Thanks to Claudette at Happily Ever After Reviews for giving me 5 Tea Cups! In part, she said: “This story is full of humour, action, and superlative storytelling. Ms. Michaels knows how to entertain and supply the perfect balance of contemporary and supernatural elements in her world building, which is why her name on any book makes it an automatic, must buy for me.”

And, more thanks to Dragon Minx at Literary Nymphs Reviews for giving me a 4.5 rating out of 5. She said: “The story starts off with a bang – or rather I should say a sudden death with the murder of Ariana. It’s an unusual twist to have a death on the third page but it starts the book off on a fast pace that doesn’t stop until the end. It also reminds the reader immediately of the paranormal aspect of this story and the wonderful world building Ms. Michaels did with the creation of her plotline since the story centers around a séance filled with ‘real’ ghosts. Not to mention there’s a new part-fey female mixed in with some returning supporting characters—witches, warlocks, shifters, and a shaman—so there are plenty of great otherworldly personalities present to make any paranormal lover happy.”

So, color me a happy author. Now back to writing. — Monette

Categories: E-Books Writing

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