Monette Michaels

Fais Do Do Die by Pauline Baird Jones

fais do do dieI am so happy to offer my blog followers a new book from Pauline Baird Jones.  Pauline and I started in the writing business around the same time and we both were pioneers in the world of e-published books. I like to think of Pauline and I as cyber-survivors since the early days of e-publishing were only for the hardiest of souls with the thickest skins and the urgent desire to get their words out to the reading public.  Thankfully, a lot of things have changed since the late 1990s when we both started and we’re still standing.

The first book I ever read by Pauline was A Pig in the Park  (and I still have it on a small diskette which was how we bought e-books back then). She later retitled the book, The Spy Who Kissed Me (I figured because most people didn’t get the Pig joke since it didn’t refer to the animal, but to an old Civil War cannon called a pig). I still recall laughing out loud at a car chase scene in that book and it makes me chuckle to this day. What an image she created. I was immediately hooked. Pauline went on my must-read list from that very first book.

Here’s a sneak peek at her newest novel in the The Big Uneasy series:

He kicks down doors. She serves hors d’oeuvres. And the Big Uneasy delivers them both a huge helping of high stakes danger—and a chance at romance.



The silence was comfortable again on the drive back to Sarah’s house. He knew she had questions about Basile’s death and was grateful she didn’t ask them. And he might be a bit impressed. His sisters never held back like that.

He pulled around to the back and parked next to Alex’s truck. Lucky Alex who got to stay, who got to climb the stairs with Nell…

Better not to go where he couldn’t, or it could get embarrassing. He climbed out and went around to open Sarah’s door, extending a hand to help her out. Touching her might have been a mistake. It felt like everything slowed for several seconds. His thoughts. His heart rate. His vision narrowed so that all he saw was her hand in his.

He might be in trouble here, though it was a trouble he couldn’t seem to mind.

He lifted his gaze until it met hers and saw a different question in there. It felt like it took forever for his head to bend toward hers. An eternity until his mouth closed over hers. The slow thump of his heart marked the seconds it took for his arms to close around her and pull her close, but it felt like months or even years until she was there. Against his heart and then in it. His heart swelled and started to thump harder, pumping a healing heat into his body.

Healing. He hadn’t realized how broken he’d been by the failure of his marriage. Or how much better it could be on the other side. Everything felt better, felt more right. She was soft, responsive, welcoming.

I love you.

It was just as well he couldn’t talk while kissing her because it was too soon for the words. Why would she believe him? All he’d done was watch and wish—yes, he had wished, he admitted now—and then he’d kept away from her.

He wouldn’t make that mistake again.

When he was sure he could hold back the words, he lifted his head. His hand trembled some when he lifted it to push a strand of hair back behind her ear. Fire sparked in the strands where the streetlamp light got caught there. His other arm tightened around her for several seconds, until he got that control back, too.

“Can we do this again?” he asked. And again and again?

* * *

I hope you enjoyed the excerpt and will check out the series! Thanks again for having me here, Monette! You can buy FAIS DO DO DIE at Amazon  Apple Kobo  Nook GooglePlay or find out more on Pauline’s website On Goodreads


USA Today Bestselling author Pauline Baird Jones never liked reality, so she writes books. She likes to wander among the genres, rampaging like Godzilla, because she does love peril mixed in her romance. Loves chocolate, bacon, flamingoes, and mid-century modern anything. You can find her on the following social media:


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