Monette Michaels

Covers to Color: The Final Product

MM_CoversToColor_page01For the past weeks, I’ve shared the journey to creating a coloring book from my book covers – from the idea’s origins to the legal aspects to how April created the illustrations and laid out the book. This blog is about the final product.


After all the initial work, the coloring book still had to be printed and assembled. So?  Do I have a printer do all the work?  OR Do I run the copies and assemble it myself?  This is totally a matter of personal choice and I don’t mind repetitive collation and stapling for the final 100 coloring books.

Just to give you a ballpark idea of what it would’ve cost me to have OfficeMax’s printing facility to run the copies and then collate and staple them — 100 finished coloring books would’ve cost around $500.  That included using card stock with double-sided color printing for the front and back cover, single-sided B&W interior pages on a 24# paper, collation and stapling.

I decided to eliminate the collation and stapling labor costs and ended up paying 45% less for the covers and interior pages printing.  I then assembled them while watching the Food Network — my best mindless activity time. Below, you can see the materials for assembly.  Would I do this project again?  Sure. The fans who have received the coloring books so far said they liked them and thought it was a cool idea.  I’ll be bringing some with me to Lori Foster’s Reader Author Get-Together in June and will be handing them out at the book signing on Friday, June 10th from 3-5 pm.  The book signing is open to the public and is at the Cincinnati Marriott — North in West Chester.  Come see me and get a copy.

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Categories: Writing

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