Monette Michaels

Cold Day in Hell

Yay! I just received an offer for the second book in the Security Specialists International series, Cold Day in Hell. With any luck, all the fans of Eye of the Storm will have the new book right after the New Year starts.

Cold Day in Hell takes place about six months after Eye of the Storm ends.

Calista Meyers, a Marine brat and childhood friend of Keely Walsh-Maddox, is a world-famous supermodel on a fashion shoot in Cartagena. Once she arrives, she realizes her agent has misled her and has been paid under the table to convince her to do this one last modeling job before she hangs up her Manolos forever to pursue a career in tracking drug and terrorist money for SSI clients.

Caught in a foreign country she can’t leave because the man stalking her, Jaime Cruz, has threatened to kill her younger brothers if she tries, Callie calls on Keely and Tweeter Walsh to help her.

Risto Smith, a new operative for SSI, is sent to Colombia to rescue Callie. Risto has had a thing for the model ever since he first saw the swimsuit cover that shot Callie to fame. But he knows he is not nearly good enough for a lady like her.

Callie on the other hand knows Risto is just the man for her – – a man like her deceased Marine father, like Keely’s dad, Colonel Walsh, and all the Marines she had grown up around. She quickly decides to use the close quarters of their trip to escape Colombia to bring them closer together. When Risto leaves her in Panama and disappears, Callie is upset but not defeated.

But after two months passes with no word and with her enemy Cruz in the US and on her trail again, Callie begins the wintry trip to Risto’s home in UP Michigan. It would be a cold day in hell before Callie let Risto turn his back on their love.

I am very excited about this book – – and hope my fans will love reading Risto and Callie’s story as much as I did writing it.

Hugs– Monette

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