Monette Michaels

Muse Wednesday


Muse Wednesday -- Megan Slayer

I want to welcome Megan Slayer to Muse Wednesday.  Megan has taken a slightly different approach to Muse Wednesday today,…

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Muse Wednesday -- Natasha Knight

I’d like to welcome this week’s Muse guest blogger, Natasha Knight, who shares what book lit the fire under her…

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Muse Wednesday Is On Vacation Due to Eye Surgery

Yes, the Muse is taking a break. A break due to me getting my cataracts removed. Yes, I am old…

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Muse Wednesday -- Christy Gissendanner

I’d like to welcome back Christy – she was here once beforeas Robin Danner, her alter ego who writes historical…

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Muse Wednesday -- Wendi Zwaduk

I want to welcome Wendi Zwaduk to Muse Wednesday. I met Wendi as a pre-pubbed author at Lori Foster’s Reader…

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Muse Wednesday -- Lea Griffith

I’s like to welcome another fellow Liquid Silver Author, Lea Griffith, to Muse Wednesday. ***** Thank you so much, Monette,…

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