Monette Michaels

Muse Wednesday


Muse Wednesday -- Pauline Baird Jones

It is hard for me to pick THE one book that made me want to be a writer, though like…

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Muse Wednesday -- Terry O'Dell

I would like to welcome fellow author Terry O’Dell to Muse Wednesday.  Terry’s Muse is author Sandra McDonald, pictured at…

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Muse Wednesday -- Yuri Bellamy

I’d like to welcome my friend and also my critique partner, Yuri Bellamy, to Muse Wednesday. I was thrilled to…

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Muse Wednesday -- Patricia Rasey

I am thrilled to have my friend, Pat Rasey, here this week. We’ve known each other since the early days…

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Muse Wednesday -- Paige Tyler

I am thrilled to have as my Muse Wednesday guest, my friend Paige Tyler. Paige and I have been friends…

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Muse Wednesday -- Maddy Barone

This week’s Muse guest is Maddy Barone.  Maddy’s Muse is from her time in junior high (that’s middle school for…

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