Monette Michaels

Guest Blogger


Muse Wednesday: Lynn Lorenz

Author Lynn Lorenz is my guest today on Muse Wednesday. She is sharing what inspired her to write m/m romance.…

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Muse Wednesday: Lillian Grant

Welcome Lillian Grant who shares  a book that inspired her– The Rum Diary. If you’ve read any of my books…

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Muse Wednesday: Robin Danner

I’d like to welcome author Robin Danner.  The book that has inspired her is Whitney, My Love by Judith McNaught,…

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Rhonda Print and Justified

My friend, Rhonda Print, has just published her third novel  in her Leah Wolfe SINS series — Justified. This series…

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Muse Wednesday: Parker Kincade

I’d like to welcome one of my fellow Liquid Silver Books authors, Parker Kincade. She is sharing her thoughts on…

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Muse Wednesday: Rosanna Leo

My guest “muser” this week is a fellow Liquid Silver Books’ author, Rosanna Leo. A Love Letter to Kathy Love…

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