Monette Michaels

Guest Blogger


Muse Wednesday: C.J. Lyons

This Muse Wednesday my guest Muser is best-selling author C.J. Lyons. C.J. along with me, Heather Graham, Jordan Dane, and…

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Muse Wednesday: Jordan Dane

Welcome to another Muse Wednesday. This week my guest author sharing her Muse, or Muses in this instance, is best-selling…

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Muse Wednesday: Heather Graham

This Wednesday I am thrilled to have best-selling author Heather Graham sharing a book that made a deep impression on…

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Muse Wednesday: Lori Armstrong

This Muse Wednesday’s guest author is mystery author Lori Armstrong. Lori is a fellow panelist of mine for the upcoming…

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A Look at Rhonda Print's Leah Wolfe SINS Series

My author friend, Rhonda Print, just released her popular first book in her Leah Wolfe SINS series,  Nightwalker, in print.…

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Guest Blogger, Paige Tyler

I want to welcome my friend and fellow author, Paige Tyler, to Romantic Imperative.  Paige has a new book out…

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