Monette Michaels


How did the Security Specialists International Series come about?

Keely was the seed for this series. I wanted to write about a really smart—precociously smart—heroine who wasn’t strong physically, but could still hold her own. She would have to have older brothers and, of course, she wanted to tag along and be with them, be included in their games and with their friends. The spark for Keely’s multiple degrees at such a young age was a nine-year-old boy from my town who was teaching physics and math at the local IU-PU campus and had disproved one of Stephen Hawkings’ theories. So, yes, a twenty-one-year-old Keely can have more than one doctorate. As for her fighting skills, she was a tom boy and had to keep up with her brothers.

Check out the Security Specialists International Series

How did the Walsh family come about?

My precocious Keely needed a protective loving family that still allowed her to be herself. Thus, the Walshes—five older brothers, a Marine colonel for a father, and a petite, feisty mother who ruled them all—came into being.

Do you plan to have books for all the Walsh brothers?

Yes. But none of them other than Tweeter has told me what he wants in a woman yet. Tweeter was insistent he get his gal first since he’d put a career in the military aside to ride herd on Keely through her early college years at MIT. He was glad to do it, but still – he kind of wanted to follow Loren and Paul into the SEALs.

What is the Security Specialists International Series reading order?

Reading order for books in the Security Specialists International series:

*These two novellas are in print as Storm Stories.

How did the Prime Chronicles come about?

The Prime Chronicles books were originally supposed to be a trilogy, and that was it. I’d seen the story in my head about a kick-ass starship captain who had psi powers she didn’t even realize she tapped into. Once I had her in my head, then the rest just evolved. Once my brain starts adding things, I am not really sure where they come from – they just do. I did know that I wanted to feature a dying race of people (a common fictional trope in both paranormal romance and science fiction and fantasy) and that my heroine in the first book would bring them hope.

Do you plan to write more books in the Prime world?

Not really. After Prime Selection and while I was writing Prime Imperative, fans started asking me what would come next. Some begged me to write more in this world. Since I’d ripped Damon Martin’s chances for love to shreds and had freed the Prime sex surrogates, and Susa in particular, from the role forced upon them by circumstances, I decided to write one more book and left the thread dangling in the Epilogue of Book 3. That book, Prime Target, was not as quite as action-packed as the previous three. It was meant to be more about the journey of two lonely people finding themselves and love while thrown together in a trip across the galaxy. I also got to expand on the Ragbag creatures I’d written about in the third book and discovered that they were more than feral scavengers. Geep, the Ragbag who sort of adopted Susa while she was in danger, is now one of my favorite characters in The Prime Chronicles series.

No more Prime novels!!! Might you write some shorter works featuring secondary characters, like Prime Claiming?

Maybe. I’d like to, but sometimes it is just about finding the time. By the way, Prime Claiming was sort of a fluke. I’d just finished Prime Imperative and lots of people were begging for something else from this world. So, I wrote a short story – or, in reality, a long scene – about two quirky secondary characters and how they came together romantically and found they were mates. The scene occurred during the action of Prime Imperative, but off-stage and is alluded to since the characters are clearly mated in the latter part of the third novel.

What is the reading order for the Prime Chronicles series?

The reading order for books in The Prime Chronicles series:

*Prime Claiming is a short story that is a scene that happened off-stage in the last third of Prime Imperative.

Do you plan any more books in the Gooden & Knight Paranormal Mysteries series?

Not at this time. I had a third one planned, featuring a skinwalker, but I just don’t have the time with all the books I have in my head for SSI. Who knows? Maybe the characters (Sam and Gabi from The Deadly Seance) will take over my head and demand a new book in the Gooden & Knight Paranormal Mysteries series.

Do you plan on writing anymore books as Rae Morgan?

No. At the time I created the Rae Morgan pen name, I was writing as Monette Michaels for a Canadian publisher that did not publish erotic romance and I had a U.S. publisher, Atlantic Bridge Publishing, that wanted me to write a launch book for its new erotic romance line Liquid Silver Books. This was back in 2001. So, I created Rae Morgan and wrote Destiny’s Magick, which sold well. 🙂 When LTDBooks closed its doors at the end of 2005, I was basically writing romance with open-door and explicit sex under my Monette name as well, so I just decided to write all future books as Monette Michaels. Monette is my real first name.

What is your favorite book you’ve written as Rae Morgan?

Enchantress, followed by Evanescence. They are both stand-alone novellas. Not sure why they are my favorite Rae Morgan books, they just are. One is a contemporary erotic romance and the other is a paranormal romance.

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