Monette Michaels

A Thanksgiving Tradition

Naked In DeathI bet when you read the title you assumed I’d be talking about food or family.

Well, I’m not.

Yes, we have turkey and the fixings.  And, yes, my dear hubby and darling son and I are all together for the day.  Football games will be viewed (not parades, my husband hates them!) by my hubby. My son plans on working on a school project due next week.

But after the clean up is done and I write at least 3,000 words on my current work-in-progress, I will do what I have done for the last four years — I will begin my re-reading of every J.D. Robb Death series books and novellas, in order. One book every evening until I get through them all.

Yes, I love those damn books.  And with the fact that each year she usually adds two full novels and maybe a novella or two, it takes longer and longer to get through them all with each passing year. (Um, duh, stating the obvious there, Moni.)

What about these books pulls me back again and again?

The relationship between Eve and Roark, one of the greatest romances in romantic suspense fiction.  Their relationship with the family of friends they have around them. The humor, sometimes macabre.  The sense of place and time — no one builds a world better and in such a tightly written fashion as Roberts does. And the great police procedural plots and three-dimensional villains.

The J.D. Robb books are the best writing Nora Roberts does. Hands down.  And since I read a lot, and I have lots of other authors whose books I re-read – that’s saying something. 🙂

If you haven’t read a single J.D. Robb book, start with Naked in Death (first published in 1995 and stil available in mass paperback) and see if you don’t get hooked.  Here is the LINK to the Official J.D. Robb website.

I have my list of the chronological order (there is a PDF of it on her site, but it is missing the 2013 additions) and I will check them off as I read them. I figure I’ll have finished them all by the end of the year (I read fast and can do a novella and a novel in an evening). 47 novels and novellas just waiting to be rediscovered.

Whatever your Thanksgiving Day traditions are — HAVE A HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!

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